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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down



 Name:Nicholas Koh Dun Cheng School:Naval Base Secondary Birthday:4th July,Buy me presents:)

bold underlined strikethrough italic


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Lots of things!

Super Junior Album
Get Good Results
Promote to Sec 2 express
Grow taller
Your wishes here:)



Monday, November 30, 2009

Halo everyone!:D I had already send in my choices lers.

3RD:Yishun sec
4th: sembawang
6th: Northland


♥our lips must always be sealed
9:02 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009

Haix... Now super confused abt sch man.. MY CHOICES ARE, MAYBE ONLY HOR,

1ST:Naval Base
3rd:North View


♥our lips must always be sealed
9:09 PM

Thursday, November 26, 2009

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:06 PM

My result is DAMN SHIT! I got only a 192!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WAHHS!!!!! SIAO MAN! Haix... have a possibly of going to naval base secondary... Sobx..... This year hightest 290... Wht the.... crazy person. so hard stil can get 290:( HAIX.. JUS HOPE GO SAME SCH WIT MY FRIENDS LE....

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:15 AM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

AAHHH I'm going crazy lers..!!!!! A few more hours get result sia... heartbeat shud be beating 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 per second..... haix i guess after get back result, it's gonna be hell for me.. I jus wanna get abv 220 can le.... I kept telling myself can but.. haix... I done my best lers.. But i scare tat my best is not same as my parents best.. wahhs!!!:( K now very anxious and sad.. No mood to carry on updating Bye:( Muacks.. Ps: This may be last time updating..

♥our lips must always be sealed
11:50 PM

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hi everyone.... Its been a really fruitful year for me... I could nver ask for more... Its the last day all of the p6 tat is together... Its the day i will nver 4get.. Its so painful to part wit ur friends... Its so painful...WHY WHY WHY?! WHY MUS THIS DAY COME..! MY HEART IS BROKEN... WHEN I SHOOK HANDS WITH MY FRIENDS AND SAY GOODBYE,TEARS ROLLED DOWN MY FACE...Looking back at the beautiful memories, i am starting to regret to not treasuring the time i had wit my friends.... If i could turn back time, I would treasure the time I had in sch and listen to whatever the teacher say.. But now, we are on our way to a brand whole new life... SECONDARY... To my beloved friends, Goodbye.. KEEP IN TOUCH! FAREWELL, TILL NEXT TIME...:(

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:46 AM

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hihi guys^^ long time no post le.. its exactly one month... can be considered dead le... 1stly i dunno wat update.. 2nd, i lazy=.= LOL. last week on thursday and friday, the whole p6 level went to little india and S'pore discovery centre... the trip to little india was hilarious...Hahaha... we went there eat the 'chapatis' and 'thosai..(ps dunno how spell).. Chapatis like powder after u put in ur mouth but the thosai quite nice!...crispy crispy wan... we keep joking on the way.. when we walked pass any jewellery shop,zm me and swee yong will say' 2day our main objective is to rob a jewellery store..' aft tat we walk past a shop... there was an indian song that was playing.. Ah phyo say he like the song alot.. that is the best song..! haha.. Now i shall update abt the S'pore discovery centre trip.. We watched a movie called 'Coraline' quite a boring movie at the start but is quite nice in the end.. there was a part tat the witch came out after the door closed when it suddenly pushed out.. Ah phyo suddenly jump up then i get a shock. =.= Mr durai on the bus keep say scary show..(so scary wors) He paid $9 to sleep in the cinema.. lol... then we went for exhibtion... quite fun la.. learn abt history.. seriously, i dun really understand or listen.. hahas.. 2day, on monday, the p6 went to a chi hospital.. wa seh.. the clip at the start damn boring lo.. jeff zm and me all at there toking.. then went we went to a place whr all the medicine or herbs are kept, it was fun but so crampy... we took the dead fly keep scare huiwen and zm scare the skin.. i scared the small black colour de.. dunno wat is tat called.. Had so much fun! K tats all for now.. hope i update alot le.. hand tired now..:P

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:53 AM